Welcome to my Art Gallery 🎨

Meet Wilomena the Ladybug! She is a whimsical critter created on my digital canvas to help me navigate this crazy and precious journey called life.

When I sit down to draw, there is no plan. The characters and their shared wisdom reveal themselves as my pen moves across the canvas.

Discovering their messages everyday is like catching a falling starr! A lovely surprise and each character is the way for me to laugh at myself, dig into my perspectives and ideas. They allow me to connect with you and together we can discover the vibrancy of life - Play. Love. Dream.

Thank you for joining me as we venture where the canvas is limitless and possibilities are endless. With each stroke, I aim to touch your soul, ignite a spark, and share a morsel of wisdom. Embrace simplicity, set your soul free, and together, let's uncover the remarkable beauty within us all.